Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 2 CIS608 - Walgreens Email Breach

This week I had a personal experience with a data breach.  I use Walgreens photo services and online pharmacy services, so I have supplied an email account to receive statuses of orders.  On Friday, November 10th, I received an email from Walgreens stating that their email customer list had been accessed by an unauthorized user and to beware of spam email asking for confidential information.  Walgreens assured within the email that no pharmacy, account or personal information had been accessed.  An 800 number was also included within the correspondence for additional questions.

I do appreciate the notification, but what I find interesting is that I cannot find any information about the breach on the site.  I would like to see additional information posted on this site for all customers to be aware.  I was able to find several news articles on the breach, but the Walgreens site itself does not share the news.  I understand protecting a reputation, but I think the open honest communication would also be appreciated by posting the notification on the site itself.

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